Georgia’s healthcare system spent over 200 million GEL (about $60.2 million) on its Covid-19 response in 2020, reports local media outlet Interpressnews (IPN).
IPN reports that Georgia spent $45.7 million under the loan agreement between the country and the International Bank of Reconstruction and Development (IBRD) and the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank.
Out of the $45.7 million, about $1.65 million was spent on personal protective equipment for medical workers and diagnostic materials, including COVID-19 tests ($29.3 million).
Georgia spent 3.16 million GEL (about $952,000) in providing quarantine spaces with medical staff.
A total of 6.3 million GEL (about $1.9 million) was spent in diagnosis and treatment of Covid patients, while 62.1 million GEL (about $18.6 million) was spent on medical bed supplies.
In 2020 the Health Ministry spent 19.1 million GEL (about $5.7 million) on the purchase of personal protective equipment.